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Daniel915 last won the day on July 12 2023

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About Daniel915

  • Birthday 09/15/2002

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    From an outside view the truck looks good, however the cab is nearly empty, it looks fairly incomplete as of now. The J-beams on a few of the trucks are really bad such as Crushstation which is just the Megalodon J-beam and Batman which is just the Dragon J-beam. Overall the pack feels kind of rushed and a little lazy in my opinion. Handles decent though.
    We finally have West Leb in Beam, it only took forever but someone finally did it and it wasnt even one thats been done anywhere before. Good work Cookie
    We love Boy Hoy
    This was my first ever stadium show, and you made it pretty much identical to the real thing. gg
    even better than a sheep 11/10
  1. Version 1.0.0


    Finally, after just under 11 months I am back with track making after beam for some reason would never let me make tracks properly. But for my first track back here is a freestyle mania track that is technically a part of @Jax the snow leopard next FS mania pack. I decided to add elements from a few different tours. Such as the angled Backflip/sent it ramp from the Versus Monster Trucks West Lebanon show this year (2022), the jammer bus stack from Miami, OK this year, and the long bus stack from Versus West Leb show last year (2021). Overall I am very happy with how this track came out. Feel free to leave a review and whatnot.
    Im not saying any of this because I was told to, this is all my opinion. This is one of the best tracks to hit this site yet, the amount of detail in this track is second to none, it feels like you're in the fairgrounds, the scaling, the minor things such as the ride truck track, to the little announcers booth to the multiple other things most people wouldn't have put there. Everything is placed exactly where it was, angled as physically best as Beam would let it be angled, and it's just amazing. Now......Who's ready for cracked Miami 2022??
  2. Does racing go out then in or in then out?
  3. Brand new custom track coming soon. Freestyle will be soon....first stadium too
  4. Are these gonna be out soon like stated?
    Id give 4.75 stars because you have improved a lot, however i have a critique on Anger Management which is the white. To me it seems just a little bit to bright to me. Other than that, this is solid. Well done!
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