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D-DAY55 last won the day on March 18 2023

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  1. Is there no exhaust sound or did i just do something wrong?
    Very impresive. Bustin loose would be cool
    Now. If this could be done with monster jam maxximum destruction. Id be exited.
  2. when is Goldberg and Team meents gonna be a thing?
  3. Why is this here if its for ROR?
  4. Put a Grave Digger body on that frame and have a digger 7
    Very impresive. Blows my mind how people can make this stuff. Exited to see how wild thang turns out
  5. D-DAY55

    Madness Pack

    So when will Wild Thang be ready? Been waiting for someone to make this truck since the begining of time
  6. D-DAY55

    NWO Pack

    Idk how to make skins but if you or someone could Id like to see Bustin loose, American gaurdian. and Airborne ranger using the 90s body because this is great
    I love these old monster jam tracks
  7. Where did you get that type of chassis?
  8. Finally someone is making Wild Thang
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