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Austinketchup last won the day on October 2 2022

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  1. prawn told me to reply to this Trucks: Chase Enfinger Xfinity: A. j. Allmendinger Cup: tyler reddrick
  2. 69 downloads

    For MTN season 5 I was making this map and sadly we ended up scraping all the map we had made and I wanted to post this because I have seen two people use my old one right as I had this one ready to come out. (thats also why there is 20 pit party boxes)
  3. Version Stop 9


    Stop 9 of Monster truck Nationals File 1 is Racing File 2 is Freestyle
  4. 947 downloads

    Stop 7 of Monster Truck Nationals File 1 is Racing File 2 Is Freestyle
  5. 495 downloads

    The Grand Finals for Monster Truck Nationals File 1 is Racing File 2 is Freestyle (pod by bqlistic)
  6. 1,307 downloads

    This is the First World finals for DSL Its just a great downhill J-hook and the best Freestyle you will ever have in Las Vages. This was made a little bit ago so the pods are make by bqlistic.
  7. 296 downloads

    This is the last stop for MTN Stop 12 FIle 1 is Racing FIle 2 is Freestyle Next stop after this is the GRAND FINALS (also dont yell at me if the ramps are not smothed this was made like two months ago)
  8. 1,591 downloads

    File 1 is Detroit racing FIle 2 is Detroit is freestyle File 3 is St.Louis racing File 4 is St.Luois freestyle S3 Map Stop 7 and 8 bqlistic for the pod
  9. 1,378 downloads

    S3 stop 5 and 6 Clarksville and lndianapolis Clarksville Racing File 1 Clarksville Freestyle File 2 Indianapolis Racing File 4 Indianapolis Freestyle File 5
  10. 1,911 downloads

    I have two really good maps east rutherford and chester. MTN Season 3 maps. File 1 Metlife Racing. File 2 Metlife Freestyle. File 3 is Chester Racing. File 4 is Chester Freestyle.
    goated map happy i helped make it
  11. 216 downloads

    Season 3 atlanta
  12. 301 downloads

    This is a season 3 map not season 2
  13. 371 downloads

    I Made a MudPark at Ozark Fairgrounds. this is made for mudtrucks not really for monster trucks THE DECALS ARE NOT IN THE GAME JUST THE PICS TO SHOW YOU HOW TO RACE
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