About This File
International Agri-Center - Tulare CA
Monster Truck Nitro Tour
Truck lineup for 2023:
Play'n For Keeps (Tony Canedo)
Wicked Strong (Brandon Gallie)
Skull Krusher (Shane Plato)
Scattered (Lee Plato)
Survivor (Chase Aue)
Event List: Skills, Qualifying, Racing, Freestyle
During the event, Brandon and Chase had a bet over who could do a better donut, an impromptu competition took place.
This is the 2023 layout for the Tulare IAC
As the layout shows the start lines your rear tire up with the start car, and winner is who finishes a lap first, to the finish car.
1 file contains separate racing and freestyle.
During the event IRL the SUV in the back was on fire during freestyle after the Jet Ambulance lit it on fire,
once I figure out particles I'll update it with the burning SUV for freestyle.
The tire stack has the physical tires to get that bounce to hitting it, if they come out, just cycle through the cars and reset them,
they shouldn't if you play normally.
This does feature custom textures and environment fixtures to try and replicate the track.
As always any feedback is appreciated.
Contents: 1 File - Racing & Freestyle
Requires @Mjamfan22's Crush Car Pack
IRL Event Results:
-- Skills -- Determined by Crowd Cheers
Skull Krusher
Wicked Strong
Play'n For Keeps (blew a tire)
Scattered (stuck in 1st gear)
-- Qualifying --
Skull Krusher - 19 seconds
Wicked Strong - 20 seconds
Survivor - 23 seconds
Scattered - DNF
Play'n For Keeps - DNQ (tire torn from blow out)
-- Racing --
Round 1: Skull Krusher vs Scattered (still in 1st gear), Winner: Skull Krusher
---------- Wicked Strong vs Survivor, Winner: Wicked Strong
Finals: Skull Krusher vs Wicked Strong, Winner: Skull Krusher
-- Impromptu Donut Competition --
Wicked Strong vs Survivor -- Winner: Survivor
-- Freestyle --
Lineup: Survivor, Scattered, Play'n For Keeps, Wicked Strong, Skull Krusher
* Wicked Strong was suppose to go before PfK but has RII issues
Winner: Skull Krusher
Wicked Strong
Scattered (fuel issues in the middle of run, but transmission issue was resolved)
Play'n For Keeps