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Monster Trucks at the Arizona State Fair Night and Day 2019 1.0.0

   (2 reviews)

4 Screenshots

About This File


(File one is day and file two is night)



(You will need FPS crush cars pack)



Edited by Kahron J.

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   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

THIS IS AWESOME!! The track itself has a great variety of obstacles, jump sizes, and overall can carry good flow and momentum throughout the track. The track itself is great as nothing grabs or hooks the track easily and the ramps are smoothened out so its not a ruff transition. Plus this type of odd ball replica is really cool to see made into a track. Great download for me.

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   4 of 5 members found this review helpful 4 / 5 members

I absolutely LOVE this track- its a great combination of crushing and jumping, and its a great size for running an independent event. Hopefully we get more tracks like this one- keep up the great work

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