About This File
Hello everyone hope you are all doing well this is something I kinda did as I got bored and what not but here it is. This is a custom pack of 27 loading screens that are made using the CRD mod. we haven't had an updated one in a long time but I know some people probably want to see the Monster trucks instead of beam cars. Now the process of installing is kind hard. I made a tutorial on how to install them I know its not the best, but hey I tried OBS kinda had some problem. But might wanna turn the audio down a little bit but anyway, hope you enjoy. Also you can put your own screenshots in there all you have to do is go to the Drive folder and name it (drive_loading_28, ETC.) If you need any help installing them feel free to DM me on discord: Lunacheese65#2454
Edited by Lunacheese