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Sin-Ematic R3 @ Birmingham 1.0.0

   (1 review)

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Welcome to Alabama everyone. This was the Round 3 track for Sin's Sin-Ematic series that honestly should've worked, that man put so much effort into that tour... 

Anyways, this track is a tricky one, especially with how small this arena was to work with. I'm still somewhat surprised that I got 4 lanes of jumps to somehow work in there. But yeah, this one was teased all the way back around April and well, now it's being released by me. This track was supposed to give off a more Indy look with a more old school track, hence the turning poles and concrete barrier but honestly I think this could be compared more towards a Monster Jam show with how much air you can get here.


But as always, thanks again for stopping by, I hope you enjoy the map and have a great day!

Q/A Time:
Why is this track in Birmingham, Alabama? This arena is small enough that I felt an indy monster truck tour could be seen coming here for an event.
Will my tires pop on the concrete barrier? Yes and no, it depends on how you hit it.
Wow, two tracks in one day? Yeah, it's weird for me to do but I had two tracks just sitting there so here we are.

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   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Glad to use it for the Series, might use it again soon!

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