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Century Link Field - Star Wars Custom 1.0.0

   (10 reviews)

5 Screenshots

About This File

Been working on this stadium model for quite awhile now. Finally got it to a point where its releasable.
Don't really have any more time to dedicate to it, so I figured i'd release it now so people can enjoy it while I focus on the CRD mod. 


Credits: @Freddy5404 for painting track


Stadium: Converted and edited for beamng



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   6 of 8 members found this review helpful 6 / 8 members

I'm rating this by comparing it too other Jedi maps and only based on the track, the stadium looks amazing!

I unfortunately have to say that this is one of the worst Jedi maps that we have gotten yet, which is a bummer cause the track looks so dang good. The track isn't the best for what its made for and some things just don't make the track good. The layout is unique but has some sour spots in it, like the lack of a container backflip ramp, some jumps just landing you in terrible spots, and some possible jumps being left out of the track. (Side of the water, next to the van, other side of the purple jump next to the car jump (Not the water one), etc.) Also, there isn't a racing version, I know it's meant for freestyle but what if someone wanted to use this for a league? There would have to be a racing version and we don't have one of those. Another reason this isn't one of the best is that the track feels cramp and fits tightly together on the purple side, the blue side doesn't have this issue at all. Last, it's really easy to break your truck just by hitting a jump properly and landing on the side of another jump, or landing right on top of a different jump, making it hard to have a freestyle that lasts a long time.

Another nit pick of the track that isn't affecting the rating is about the Death Star not being a selectable object unlike the light sabers. I have no clue how to remove the Death Star and I'd really like to make a track in this stadium. Sure, you can say you can only see it in free cam mode, but that isn't the truth, you can still see it in the normal cam, just without the laser beams ready to kill you.

Response from the author:

Thank you for your review. Honestly the map was supposed to take me longer to release, but seeing how i've taken over main mod development, I did have to rush the final stages and it is rushed. 

The Death Star should be removable if you bring your camera all the way up to it. Problem is that its super over scaled so finding the object select point is hard to do. This also may be one of my last maps for quite awhile. 

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   0 of 1 member found this review helpful 0 / 1 member

As a Star Wars fan myself, I approve. Great job making the Death Star on the stadium!

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   0 of 10 members found this review helpful 0 / 10 members

Where can I find those trucks?

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   0 of 4 members found this review helpful 0 / 4 members


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good map and also explicit games the trucks arent out yet but they will be in the crd 1.19 update

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Love how accurate the model is especially the skyscrapers right behind it  as someone from wash. state its nearly identical love the small details!

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I think this is the gratis track you made jedi if it would let me I would rate this track 7 star's

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