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ae. last won the day on January 3

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    drifterkid18 on his way to 5 star every file uploaded: great map though! very fun with resize and the others!
    Resize: Simply put, its awesome and beautiful, but it obviously still needs work. It's absolutely nobody's fault, I understand this is just out for handling testing, and it is great! Out of the box the truck handles wonderfully, and the fact that everything else is still fully tunable compared to the old CRD is a big plus in my part. The new body breakage is great, the new breakable parts are awesome, and everything else is just beautifully made and rendered. Overall: 5/5 stars.
    Whenever I look toward the haulers my game goes down to 20 FPS instead of 60-65. Apart from that, the map is very fun and well detailed.
    Would love if there was an FPS version. Good track though.
    Slows down sometimes when looking at stadium layout but this is great for practicing tunes. Love it!
  1. those are some great screenshots gameboy
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