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MonsterJamJackinator last won the day on October 13 2023

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About MonsterJamJackinator

  • Birthday May 27

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  1. the third image really brings the preview together
  2. I had a whole track made on this map but today I loaded BeamNG (in a later version than when I'd done work on it) and the whole track was deleted and it was just this template again. I assume that the track is done for permanently, but how can I prevent this in the future? Note I always made sure to save the track at the end of each day
  3. Dragon body is gone after the new update
  4. My man casually just dropped one of THE most heavily anticipated mods without warning or elaboration
    Fairly simple but pretty fun overall. Not much more to say
  5. How do you change the color of the trench box?
    The only critique I could give this is that the containers stick too far out of the backflip ramp. Other than that, this is incredibly well made for such short notice
  6. I'm having the same Dragon wing issue as others and also Separate mod pack
    Not sure if it's just a me problem but I've tried several different times this year and the mod does not work at all. I really hope it gets revisited so I can make skins of my own, but unless I am doing something wrong I can't put a positive review on something that does not function
  7. PLEASE come back to this!! It doesn't work anymore
    Not much to critique, overall great pack. It would be also cool to have an S-10 that is the lime green. The one in the main pack has the 20th anniversary logo, as does the brutus, but it would be cool to get both of them but without that logo. Obvioiusly not related to the reviewing though, just a suggestion
  8. You guys have been working your tails off developing this mod! Casually pulling out Stabilizer, Dragon, and Velociraptor in just a couple weeks span is incredible! Not to leave out the Feld Carolina Crusher, Captain America, and Hotwheels Firestorm! PLUS the Koehler chassis, which evidently still needs a lot of work but it also a big step forward. Great work dev teams! Pretty much everything I've wanted is in the game now, but still there are huge releases on the way I see
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