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Jax the snow leopard

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Everything posted by Jax the snow leopard

    really fun replica for a decent irl show, overall well done
  1. after a pretty long break to work on fs mania, we're back in business, coming soon
  2. next fs mania track is underway, started bout 1 hour ago so plz don't hate on it too bad
    love the old school bus stack, its a simple track but for what you got added its really good, can't wait for the next ones
  3. did you download everything in the description
  4. aight, everything is done for gaithersburg, i asked some people and the verdict was the white cars blended well with the track so no change, will update the pack soon, then after a break, i start fs mania houston as the last fs mania thing, for now
  5. well i planned on taking a break but this came together pretty quickly, will be finished hopefully this weekend and added into the fs mania pack, (cars will be colored and some special decals are gonna be added) and yes, thats a yeet ramp over the announcer hut
  6. Version 3.0.0


    Well everyone, its been a while in the making but here it is, fs mania, ik i said 5 maps but i'm mentally drained after these so i'll just add to it in the future, i put a lot of heart and love into making each one feel not cookie cutter, i hope yall enjoy. Sam boyd ended up being a collab between myself and @Daniel915 as my brain was just mush and he wanted to take a crack at it, and with this track, fs mania has come to a close, for now file 1: FS Mania NOLA file 2: FS Mania Philly file 3: FS Mania WF file 4: FS Mania GaithersBurg file 5: FS Mania Sam Boyd Stadium **ALL MAPS USE NON CRUSH CARS**
  7. all obstacles are done, time to paint this monster of a track and do decals, extremely happy with it so far its nearing the end my friends
    its not a bad concept by any means, just for future reference smooth the sides of the ramps just so they're not jagged walls, and as for racing i'd move the final jump out another 10 or so feet just so you don't stuff into those cars and get grabbed, but not bad
  8. been a while, but here's the next track for fs mania, still very wip but trust me, its gonna be a big one
    a really fun map and a nice replica, seems scaled fine so idk why people are complaining, it was really big irl, great job cln
  9. might wanna try and up the quality as it looks kinda pixelated but thats just me
  10. Version 1.0.0


    Hey everyone its been a bit but i've been workin on some things, i promise the fs mania pack is coming but until then enjoy this lil arena file 1-racing file2-fs **if i missed any credits feel free to message me on discord jax#8935 and i'll fix asap**
    ima be 100% honest, aesthetically lookin its really nice but your truck looks like an rc truck in comparison to size of the pods, its fine but might wanna tone down a notch or 2 when scaling for future maps
    quite possibly one of the best shows i ever attended, glad to have it in beam c:
  11. after a small break heres track 2 for my freestyle mania series, all mesh cars so you don't need to worry about getting sucked into the void, think i'll do 2 or 3 more tracks and release in a big pack
    ima be 100% honest, the miniflip is almost unusable, tried 3 different approaches in hitting it and is either just a wall and kills ya, or just a sky wheelie ramp, overall the rest is alright
  12. small update on the track, believe i've done everything I can on my end, can't wait to see this thing finished
  13. i said i had some big stuff planned, well this is one of them, still very wip but it's gonna be a collaboration between me and @MEE6 for wf8, can't wait to see it finished
    fun track, nice change of pace from chicago style, mud makes the redneck in me very happy lol
    a really nice track and return for sandy tracks, gj my guy
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